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This website is the new home of My Computer. My Computer are a band you may not have heard of. They are one of the most underated Manchester bands of modern times. They have been critically acclaimed for their commercially released work and live performances. They are published in the UK by Universal for their first two albums 'Vulnerabilia' and 'No CV'. The legendary producer John Leckie, who worked on 'No CV' told Andrew Chester, the singer and songwriter for My Computer, to his face, that he was a poet. He also told The Quietus that he was the best singer in the UK. Andrew was the youngest of eight kids and growing up, he heard the cream of popular music from the 50's to the 70's, via his brothers and sisters record collections. The albums, E.P's and Singles on this site, reflect that education. Andrew has a strong sense of empathy for the people in this world who have not had it easy. Every album is different, just like they were in the 60's & 70's when some bands were nurtured and given space to develop. Andrew has a deep, deep loathing for the x factor, pop idol, ALL boy bands and big brothers influence on two generations of kids. Andrew wrote this music for the people and if it is the last thing that he does, he will get his music to the people, on his own terms.
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